Turn Out Gear Cleaner

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Combustible hydrocarbon deposits and toxic residue can become embedded in all Turnout Gear fabric and pose a constant threat to the firefighter as long as they remain. Hydrocarbon deposits can absorb as much as 30% more radiant heat as clean, light-colored Turnout Gear. Stevens Turnout Gear Cleaner has a proven track record. Remember, dirty gear lowers the reflectance, thus, decreasing the safety factor proportionately.


Product Capabilities/Properties

  • Economical
  • Non-Flammable
  • Excellent MSD
  • Non-Toxic
  • Low Foaming
  • High Dilution Ratio (1.5 ounces of Turn-Out Gear Cleaner per gallon of water)
  • Environmentally Safe
  • Proven Track record
  • Makes equipment last longer
  • Designed for safe use with commercial washers and handwashing
  • Helps to maintain the garment's original protective properties